We'll All Float On
April 21, 2004 - 1:35 PM

conversations continue without my input, but it's not like i have anything to say anyway. all these conversations do is go around in circles. there's no begining to the circle so you just continue along with your mouth agape.

i can't really understand relationships in high school. i don't need to prove to others that i'm loved. i see couples who don't even talk to each other yet hold hands and make out. i don't need any of that, not at this point in my life. there's other things to be worrying about. but yet i still contemplate of having you for my own.

i got his email today. i probably won't email him for a couple of months. don't have enough of a back bone yet. plus, i didn't ask for it myself. i probably shouldn't even have it.

but these days are getting more dreary. i really don't have anything to say, yet people keep saying 'hi' to get a response out of me. i'm sorry if i'm not as happy as you. i probably won't ever be that happy again. i used to be. i guess i won't allow myself to achieve such heights only to fall once again.

well, i'm going to float on, okay? would you mind? thanks.

<< nothing - now >>